Acute Respiratory Infection Service

To provide additional appointments during the winter period Trafford practices including St Johns Medical Centre are offering same day appointments...

Acute Visting Service

Mastercall's Acute Visiting Scheme (AVS) offers additional capacity and support to St Johns patients needing a home visit. Patients may...


Urgent appointments To request an urgent appointment for today (including home visits for those who are housebound) phone us on...


Are you caring for or supporting a relative, friend or neighbour? Are you helped or supported by a relative, friend...

Clinical Pharmacist Team

Working closely with both the administration team and clinicians, our Clinical Pharmacist team is responsible for helping patients to manage...

District Nurses and Dieticians

Can be contacted directly on 0300 323 0303

First Contact Physiotherapists

Our team of First Contact Physios can help adult patients with musculoskeletal issues such as back, neck and joint pain...

Managing your health online

Using an online form There are many things you can do online at our surgery. Some tasks you can do...

Mental Health Practitioner

The service is to provide comprehensive assessment, brief intervention, sign-posting and onward referral for patients over 18 presenting with mental...


If you have found out you are pregnant and wish to access maternity care you can self refer to Wythenhsawe...

Non-NHS services

The NHS does not pay for some of our services. For example: private sick notes insurance forms holiday cancellation forms...

Pharmacy First Service

Further support for 7 conditions is available via the Pharmacy First Scheme without an appointment The new NHS Pharmacy First...


Ordering repeat prescriptions The easiest way to order repeat prescriptions is: using your NHS account (through the NHS website or in the...


There is a high demand for hospital appointments following the pandemic. The NHS app now shows the waiting time for...

Social Prescribing

The Social Prescribing Team supports St Johns Medical Practice’s patients over the age of 18 to live well in their...

Trafford Talking Therapies Service

More information is available on the link below and the service is contactable on 0161 357 1350

Travel Vaccinations

If you are travelling abroad you may need to be vaccinated. Please make an appointment with the practice nurse to...


Find out more about the clinics and services available at the surgery.